Sunday 21 February 2016

The Best NBN Plan In Australia with free coupon code

Upon moving to the big city of Melbourne, Australia, I have been blessed with an NBN service in my apartment. This is a treat I never thought I would see for the next few years at best, but it did not come without hiccups.

Looking for an NBN plan opened an entirely new can of worms, my previous ADSL 2+ service is with westnet and has been for a matter of years, their is no contract, they rewarded me really well with extra data and I have never ever had to call up because of an issue. But upon looking for a new internet provided I discovered numerous foreign names which have materialised in the last few years, one of which stood out the most. Belong, a subsidiary of Telstra (yeah I know I laughed too)

But don't take off just yet, because this is unlike anything Telstra, ever. Belong is a new hip type internet provider, with a simple and elegant website + user portal. Their plans are simple, you either choose 12 months contract or no contract, and their is no set up fee just a $60 outright payment to cover the cost of a router. I signed up for a 500gb no contract plan (i have trust issues) which is $65 per month, that includes the $5 extra per month for not committing to a contract. Next you choose your speeds, which albeit cheeky is the same with every single company.  The offerings are 12, 25 or 100mb per second speeds, I am a student so despite the temptations of 100 or even 25 I stuck with 12mb per second although I do plan to try out 100mb per second at some point this year.
Being a coupon freak I found this code: IAFE2SFTL which gave me $20 off my first month which
even better. Seeing I am on a no contract plan, if the deals get better somewhere else I will change so be sure to lookout for an update!

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